2 Feb 2020

How to do well in A1 Movers Listening Part 3

Following on from a post I wrote a while back, I’ve written a second post to provide some step-by-step tips to help your students in Part 3 of the A1 Movers Listening Test.

Here are some tips to help your students do A1 Movers Listening Part 3 well.

Let’s take a look at the Listening Part 3 from Sample Papers 1:

There are 6 pictures of people and the words for who they are on the left-hand page.

On the right-hand page, we get 8 pictures.

Here, we can see that the example is about Mrs Castle’s parents and we hear that their favourite hobby is sailing (H).

Tips for you and your students:

While listening to the example on the audio, students have a chance to get familiar with the voices and pronunciation of the two speakers.  (The voices can be clearly distinguished, as they will be a boy and woman, man and girl, girl and boy or man and woman.)

At the end of the audio for the example, students will hear: “Can you see the letter H?”  Put a cross through the letter H because this picture will not be mentioned or used again.

3 The speaker will refer to one of the five other people on the left-hand page.  But not in the same order as they appear on the page!

4  Put your finger or pencil on the picture for the person on the left page.  This will help you remember who they are talking about! Then, listen to the information to make the match to the picture on the right-hand page!

5 As you match the pictures from the right-hand page to the different people on the left-hand page, use your pencil to put a cross through the letter under the picture.  You will not use that letter again.  (Don’t cross out the letter with a pen as you may find you made a mistake and want to change your answer!)

Remember that two of the pictures on the right are distractors and do not match any of the pictures (people) on the left-hand page!  But they will be mentioned in the conversation!

The second time you listen, you can answer any questions you missed the first time and very importantly, check that your answers are correct!

Look at the letters you wrote in the boxes.  Are they clear?  If not, erase them and rewrite!

9  Don’t leave any empty boxes – always try and answer every question!

Other things to remember:

There is a 3 second pause between each question, so students should have plenty of time to write their answers.

The end of the pause is when the next match will be heard.

Answers usually come from the main speaker, but the second person may give part of one of the answers.  In this example, from Sample Papers Volume 1, the boy asks about Mrs Castle’s son.

I hope these tips will be useful for you and that you’ll pass them onto your students!

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