Tips for A2 Flyers Speaking Part 1
Today, I’m gong to share tips for A2 Flyers Speaking Test Part 1.
In this part of the A2 Flyers Speaking Test, the examiner has a big picture and the candidate has a very similar picture, but there are lots of differences.
Let’s look at the two pictures for A2 Flyers Speaking Part 1 from Sample Papers 2, available to download here from the Cambridge English website.

Format of A2 Flyers Speaking Part 1
The examiner will show both pictures, placing the candidate’s picture in front of him/her and the second, examiner’s picture will also be visible, next to the candidate’s picture.
Then, the examiner will say:
Here are two pictures. They look the same, but some things are different. For example, in my picture, there are two clouds in the sky, but in your picture, there are three. OK?
I’m going to say something about my picture. You tell me how your picture is different.
The examiner will then say six sentences about other differences between the pictures. The candidate says sentences about how their picture is different.
Tips to pass on to students for A2 Flyers Speaking Part 1
- Look at both pictures to help you. You can look at the Examiner’s picture as you hear each sentence to help you understand it. Look at your picture and notice the difference.
- Use the examiner’s sentence. You will usually be able to describe the difference by just changing one or two words.
- If you can’t think of a word, very often, you can describe the difference by making the examiner’s sentence negative!
- Don’t worry if you see other differences between the two pictures that the examiner doesn’t mention. There will be about 13 differences between the pictures!
- The same kind of differences usually appear in the pictures: colours; numbers; position: left/right, behind/in front of, under/on top of; patterns: spots/stripes/stars; size; hair: curly/straight, long/short, beard, moustache.
- The sentences below are typical structures that will be used to talk about the pictures in A2 Flyers Speaking Part 1. You can see there is a range of different structures and most of the important vocabulary comes from the A2 Flyers wordlist.
In my picture,
- there are two clouds in the sky. (But in my picture, there are three clouds in the sky.)
- I can see an octopus in front of the boat. (But in my picture, I can see an octopus next to the boat.)
- there’s a little island with two trees on it. (But in my picture, there isn’t an island with two trees on it.)
- a red helicopter is on the left. (But in my picture, a red helicopter is on the right.)
- the purple flag is bigger than the white flag. (But in my picture, the white flag is bigger than the purple flag.)
- there’s a boy on the boat. He’s playing with a toy train. ( But in my picture, the boy’s playing with a toy drum.
- the woman’s dropped her sunglasses. (But in my picture, the woman’s dropped her magazine.)
- an old man is eating a sandwich. (But in my picture, an old man’s eating an ice cream.)
- there’s a red stripe on the side of the boat. (But in my picture, there’s a green stripe on the side of the boat.)
- a girl is wearing a yellow shirt. It’s got stripes on it. (But in my picture, the girl’s yellow shirt has spots.)
- there’s a suitcase next to the man. (But in my picture, there’s a rucksack next to the man.)
- a duck is sitting on the front of the boat. (But in my picture, there isn’t a duck sitting on the front of the boat.)
- a man is taking a photo. His hair is black and curly. (But in my picture, the man who’s taking a photo has straight black hair.)
Spotting and describing differences is a lot of fun, and you can add extra challenge by only showing students the pictures for a short time.
Or, get them to talk about the pictures in pairs but without being able to see their partner’s picture. They take it in turns to say sentences and try and guess all the differences.