B2 First Essay Writing Checklist
In this post, I’m going to share my Writing Checklist for the B2 First and B2 First for Schools essay.
A while back, I shared the B1 Writing Checklists I’d created. But I hadn’t got round to sharing any of the checklists for B2 First or B2 First for Schools.
Writing Part 1: Essay
In Part 1 of both the B2 First and B2 First for Schools Writing Paper, candidates have to write an essay as homework for their teacher.
- They are asked to write about two points, plus add a third of their own.
- They are asked to give reasons for their point of view. For this, they can give reasons and also give examples to build their argument.
- Their writing should be neutral to formal. One simple way to achieve this is to avoid contractions. Full verb forms make writing more formal.
- They have to write between 140 and 190 words for their answer.
As with any type of writing, students should make sure they re-read their work and check for spelling and other mistakes. This includes checking their punctuation. And candidates in the B2 First exam forget to use so many commas and full stops!

* I’ll analyse the other B2 First and B2 First for Schools tasks and share the checklists for them in separate posts. Watch this space!