B2 First Review Analysis and Checklist
In today’s post, I’m going to analyse the review task which could appear in Part 2 of the B2 First and B2 First for Schools writing paper.
As I said in my previous post, many students, including our teenage students, are writing and reading reviews these days, so it really does relate to real life situations.
The context
A review in the B2 First (& for Schools)Writing paper is usually written for an English language magazine or website.
The target reader
The people who will read the review will probably have similar interests.
The content
Students will be asked to describe an experience/product and express a personal opinion on a place they have visited (e.g. a hotel, restaurant, shop, exhibition), experienced (e.g. a course, festival, concert) or used (e.g. a website, app, product, etc.).
The review should probably also include a recommendation. For example, to choose (not) to buy something or (not) to go somewhere or (not) to buy a ticket, etc).
The review should have 4-5 paragraphs in total
- an introduction
- two or three middle paragraphs
- a conclusion
A review should have a range of cohesive devices
- to build an argument (e.g. to begin with …; a further attraction …; In addition to … ;Moreover ….; Not only…, but …)
- to add reasons (e.g. In view of this, …; Logically, …; Since/As …; Consequently, …; As a result, …)
- to share examples and illustrate points (e.g. Take, for example …; In the case of …)
Vocabulary related to the topic (e.g. for a film: – story/plot, setting, actors, music, soundtrack, special effects, etc)
A range of grammatical forms, which could well include –
- past tenses to describe the experience
- present tenses to give details of the features, facilities, etc,
- modal verbs (e.g. should, must(n’t)) for suggestions and recommendations
- conditionals for suggestions and recommendations
To help students check their review writing, I have created a checklist.

Check out my post on helping students to use B2 language in their reviews.