Awesome Advent Calendar Day 1: Finding and sharing positive news
On day 1 of the Awesome Advent Calendar, the challenge is to fine and share some positive news.

Image by Pablo Stanley from Blush Design
One piece of very good news is that the Action for Happiness calendar for December is out!
Doing good has a positive effect on our wellbeing and happiness, according to Action for Happiness’ Ten Keys to Happier Living.
By sharing the calendar, I’ve done exactly as asked for today!
From one of my favourite sites, Newsela, there is a whole collection of positive news stories. You need to register, but the site is free and you can access simplified versions of the stories to use with lower levels.
I absolutely loved this story. How many projects has Orion Jean managed to set up and achieve in just a year? And he’s only 10 years old!
In race to spread kindness, this kid is a champ
And my final suggestion for positive news contains lots of success stories from immigrants living in Naples. In a week where refugees losing their lives in their desperation to start a new life, these glimmers of hope are great to read.
I hope you enjoy these suggestions and I’d love to hear your positive news!