26 Apr 2020

Feedback from 2 teachers on my A2 About me Choice board

When I shared my post on the A2 About me choice board, I get lots of positive reaction and teachers saying that they were going to use it.  I was delighted!

And then, I received feedback!

Elena Kaourani, who has a school in Cyprus (Elena Kaourani Learning Centre), sent me a screenshot of her online lesson.  She was with a class of students aged 9-10.

And some great feedback too!

We did it as a Warm-Up activity. The kids asked me some questions and they were really interested to know my favourite things! Then they asked each other questions. I set a time limit – 8 minutes – in which we had to ask and answer as many questions as possible

They wanted to play more so we did it as an “exit ticket”: each student had to answer a question before they “left” zoom !

Thank you so much Elena (and pass my thanks on to your students please too).

After the feedback from Elena, I also received some feedback from Elsa Canário, who teaches in the north of Portugal.  You read a post with some ideas for A1 Movers Reading and Writing Part 6 that I shared just a short while ago.

Here is how Elsa adapted the activity for her group:

A2 Choiceboard for About me

Age group : 11-13

Instead of screen sharing with my students, they were sent the pdf the previous day.

So how did I use it?

1-There was a slight variation here. I asked them to choose one question. Then they asked that question to a classmate of their choice.

2- Then the chosen one had to ask his/her question to another classmate.

3- I decided to split them up in pairs into breakout rooms to give them time to write all the answers in the boxes.

4-Back in the main room, I asked a few students their answers for some of the boxes.

5-  Finally, I was asked three questions from the boxes

Something delicious- Chocolate

Something you enjoy doing alone– singing

Your favourite number- 9

The kids had lots of fun and came up with interesting answers!

Thank you so much for this activity Anne .

Thank you Elsa for the feedback!

If you want to try this choice board out with your students, read my post where I shared it and some tips for using it.

2 Responses

  1. Gonca BAS

    Thanks for this fantastic and brilliant idea Ann, it’s gonna be easier for me to get my students active again after all. Thank you so much,

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