Awesome Advent Calendar – Day 2 Making a list of all the things you’re grateful for
Today’s Awesome Advent Calendar challenge is to think of all the things in my life that I’m grateful for.

I decided to try and find something for every letter of the alphabet – something I do when I’m trying to challenge students to think of words for work or jobs, or for another word set. Do you use the alphabet like this?
I also decided to make it handwritten, not digital. That way, I could really think about it. It probably took a little longer, but I really wanted to think about my life and the good things in it.

Once I started, I realised that my list is actually turning into a book – so that’s what I’ll do next with my grateful alphabet, explaining it!

Another way to do this is to have a ‘memories jar’. I have one on my desk. I first did it in 2017. When I’ve been to a concert, out for a meal, received a card, been sent a photo by someone (see day 5’s challenge), I drop it into my jar. Then, on December 31st, I sit down and open it and smile at the memories. At the end of 2019, after a very tough year, I was delighted to look back and realise that the year had actually had lots of good things in it despite everything!

Or, look back through the photos on your phone and remind yourself of where you’ve been, what you’ve seen and who you’ve been with recently. Here are a couple of my photos from this year. They were very happy moments, so make me smile.
I hope you’ll spend time today, reflecting on your ‘nice things’ and if you have time, make a list or get your memories jar ready – a new year is just round the corner!
You might also like to read my previous post where I shared some positive news.