25 Jan 2017

Going to start a course for the Cambridge B2 First, C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency? Play the board game!

Today I wanted to share a board game I’ve made for using with the start of a preparation course for Cambridge B2 First.

(It can also be used for Cambridge C1 Advanced and Cambridge C2 Proficiency exams.  All the content is relevant.)

Exam tips board game colour

I’ll be sharing it and playing it with some teachers in Tolosa, Guipuzkoa, tomorrow at my seminar on Planning and Teaching Short Exam Courses.

I’ll also be taking along and using my super new very large red dice.  Should be fun!


I’ve created two versions:  one in black and white so it’s photocopiable

and another in colour so that it can be printed in colour or shown on a screen.

To play, students need a dice – one per group or one per class if you’re doing it as a whole-class activity.

A student throws the dice twice – the first number shown is the row across.  The second throw tells them which column to go to.

So, for example if a student throws a 3 then a 5, they would land on ‘Describe your handwriting.’  They have to speak about their handwriting.  If it’s neat and tidy or messy.  Legible or illegible.  If their letters or small and big.

I hope you find it useful.  Trying to make that first class interactive, idea-sharing and share useful tips (and fill gaps in knowledge)!

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